Louisiana SUP Laws
- PFD Requirement: One life jacket on board per person. And persons 16 and under must wear a USCG-approved Type I, II or III, or V PFD.
- Alcohol Law Louisiana has laws prohibiting Boating While Intoxicated (BWI)—0.08% BAL for those at least 21 years old is considered under the influence; 0.02% BAL for those under 21.
- Lights: Between sunset and sunrise, SUPs & kayaks must have on board a 360-degree white light visible all around for a distance of two miles. If practical, red and green bow lights are required as well.
- Sounding Devices – A whistle is recommended.
- Registration – Non-motorized vessels, like SUP, kayaks and canoes, are exempt from registration.
- Operator Licensing – There is no minimum age or minimum education requirement to operate a SUP in Louisiana.
- Visual Distress Signaling- On federally controlled waters (coastline), all vessels are required to carry U.S. Coast Guard-approved night VDS devices. Manually propelled vessels are not required to carry day signaling devices.